From Click to Conversion: 8 Tips for a High Converting Landing Page

Have you ever landed on a webpage and thought, “What on earth is going on here?” Trust us, we’ve all been there! Creating a landing page that actually works is like hitting the jackpot in online marketing. Sadly, many brands underestimate its power and miss out on the key elements that can make their landing pages truly outstanding. Ready to take your landing page game to the next level? We’ve got 8 great tips lined up for you that will take your landing page from good to great!

Keep it simple

A loaded landing page is not a winning landing page. Winning landing pages are built on these fundamentals:

  1. They don’t confuse the consumer. They give them enough pointers to decide in favour of buying, and address possible concerns.
  2. They have a clear visual hierarchy – the most important elements are the most visible ones, and they flow like a story
  3. They add a layer of social proof to tie everything together

Tip: keep it sharp. Up to a reasonable level, choose simple over fancy, and engaging over ‘safe’

Address Visitors’ Pain Points in your Headlines

Write your headlines in a way that’ll make your visitors go, “Finally, someone gets me!” Craft headlines that show you’ve got the solution your visitors have been desperately searching for. Remember, you only have a split second to capture their interest, so make it count.

Single-Hero Offer

3 different offers to maximise your chance of closing the sale? Not a great idea 🙁 Give them one solid offer, give that offer enough space and priority to stand out in the landing page. Multiple offers often create confusion, increase decision making time and might eventually trigger a drop-off from the product page. If you have 3 different offers that you want to test out, consider A/B testing them over time or through


Start with connecting with your consumers over calls or panel discussions; individual calls work better in our experience. Put them in a hypothetical situation of buying something from our website. Let them interact with the site for a while and ask them what apprehensions or doubts came to their mind while browsing the product page. Take notes, use tools like heatmaps/wordles to find patterns, and then take those insights to your design/UX team. We love using icons and FAQs to address doubts and apprehensions.

Ample Social Proof

Website reviews to build credibility? Of course! And we mean real reviews. We see brands taking the shortcut and writing reviews themselves. You would be missing out on a tonne of great narratives, and sound monotonous if one person sits and writes reviews for you. Plus it is such a credibility killer in the long run. Collect real reviews, gather real testimonials and showcase them through a multi-channel approach (website, Instagram posts, Emails) Bonus tip : Integrate consumer reviews into Shopping Feed. Not sure how? Drop us a message on 91-9073104869 saying “Social Proof as ad”. We will send you an approach note.

Create Urgency

💡Countdown timers? Depends

💡Limited stock notification? Depends

💡One-time limited deals? Depends

💡New drops? Depends

The reason we say “Depends”, is because we have now seen too many businesses putting all their effort behind one type of urgency and praying it works. What works for a brand need not work well for another. Your niche, your price band, your designs, your brand’s tone and personality may play a major role in what might work and what might not. Our only solid advice here is to :

  1. Test 3-4 types of FOMOs over time
  2. Find winning ones
  3. Develop variations
  4. Test other types of FOMOs again in about 12-18 months

Build Authority

You want your audience to see you as the go-to expert in your field, right? Showcasing your credentials, awards and partnerships will help establish that authority. When visitors perceive you as an expert or a trusted source, they are more inclined to trust your offering.

Mobile-Friendly Experience

In today’s mobile-dominated world, it’s crucial to optimise your landing page for mobile devices. Ensure that your page loads at a lightning-fast speed, displays everything correctly, and is easy to navigate on smartphones and tablets.

Combine this inspiration with experimentation through A/B testing to unlock your landing page’s full potential. Test different elements continuously to optimise your conversion rate and let the data-driven approach guide your decision-making process. It’s time now to roll up your sleeves, get to work, and watch your conversions soar! Follow us on social media